Friday, 6 August 2010

Replaced LockBot Pro with Tasker (now have security again)


I think it was a bug in the Milestone's 2.01 firmware but for whatever reason I lost the ability to pattern unlock my phone as removing all exchange related settings and data didn't fix the issue. In any case I was getting desperate as entering PINs every single time the screen blanked was driving me crazy. I found a product called "Lockbot Pro" which basically resolved that issue and allowed for a delayed pattern unlock.

The trouble with it was that its completely unreliable and hardly ever presented the pattern unlock! No security at all! Note I don't autokill tasks :-)

Anyway a summary of pros:
  • Its pretty
  • It solved the exchange issue I had so I didn't go insane (since "solved" this with a factory reset).

And the cons:
  • It doesn't pattern lock the screen when its supposed to.
  • The first time after a restart it doesn't work. Sometimes many times after as well.
  • Depending on the update you end up with the Android Keyguard as well as the programs!
  • Most of the time the Keyguard doesn't appear either.
  • All the buttons wake the phone up!!! That plus the keyguard or pattern unlock not working a lot of times means that its easy to wake the phone (small bump or as putting hone in case) and then do something completely random.
  • No support or forum for problems or help, no FAQ.
Anyway I've now bought "Tasker" and its replaced "LockBot Pro", "Timeriffic" and it will replace other applications on my phone and generally do a better job than the task specific applications!

I based my "code" for the unlock delay on the "keyguard-off" sample in the wiki. Its not perfect (yet) but its much better and my phone has security again.

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