Saturday 31 December 2011

Fix Metadata in Samsung Galaxy Nexus Panorama Photos

The camera in the Samsung Galaxy Nexus makes it simple to create landscape panoramas, the problem is (at least in ICS 4.0.1 ) that it has a bug which forgets to add the camera and picture details (meta data).

Apart from not being able to easily see what camera took what picture in Windows Explorer, it prevented me from fixing up images modified by Picasa as described at "".

I have created a batch file which can be run over these file, it prompts for the name of a JPG file or directory name and will create a copy of the image and mark it "FIXED", it does not change the original image as a safe precaution.

You can download  "" from my site, it has been tested in Windows 7 but would be surprised if it didn't run everywhere.  It does require that you also download "exiv2.exe", you can install this in the "PATH" or in the same directory as my batch file.

It easiest to create a shortcut to the file on your desktop.

This is an example of the added metadata:
Exif.Image.Make                   = [Samsung]
Exif.Image.Model                  = [Galaxy Nexus]
Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal  = 2011:12:21 12:03:00
Exif.Photo.DateTimeDigitized = 2011:12:21 12:03:00
Exif.Photo.UserComment       = _FixUpPhotoMetaData_.cmd (FIX_NEXUS_PANORAMA_PHOTO_INFO, v11.263)

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